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There is an increasing demand for sustainability within financial services. Customers are choosing – and leaving – banks and pension funds based on the level of sustainability in the investments made on the customers behalf.

The EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation is adding pressure on the financial institutions to provide full transparency on sustainability benchmarks.
As a result the sustainability agenda is now moving from the fringe of the business to become a core requirement and this creates a need for new solutions in the financial industry.

inDegree compile and analyse solid data from millions and millions of data points and combine these into five different insights that can provide a path towards sustainable investment and transparency.

inDegree identifies, quantifies, and ranks the gaps and differences between the propositions for a financial brand in terms of sustainability and its actual actions and help align these and compare the score to other players in the financial sector.

inDegree will help your investment documentation become compliant with EU SFDR and EU taxonomy.

Analysis provided by inDegree give you the power to reduce risks, as well strategic positioning and strengthening your brand. Determining if financial companies’ investments are coherent with their own UN SDG-related goals is a potential game changer.


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1126 Copenhagen K

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